Max Sinclair

Founder of Snowball Creations - Your paid ads agency for businesses making the world better! Founder of Forzeit - Your smart weekly planner helping you to live the best week of your life, every week! Find me on Instagram: @im_max_sinclair

Running a Paid Ads Agency: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF

Marketing is one of the biggest industries out there, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Of course, there are many types of marketing, but one of the most popular trends in recent years has been paid advertising.  This makes sense since things that cost money often tend to have better results. …

Running a Paid Ads Agency: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF Read More »

The Truth Behind Meta Advantage Plus Campaigns: A Comprehensive Analysis

If you’re in the digital marketing sphere, staying ahead of the curve is the key to being successful. There are loads of paid ads platforms out there, and even more settings within those campaigns.  One term that you may have heard floating around due to its increased popularity of late is “Advantage Plus Campaigns”. This …

The Truth Behind Meta Advantage Plus Campaigns: A Comprehensive Analysis Read More »

How to Answer the Question “How Much Budget Do I Need Per Campaign?

When it comes to paid advertising, there are a lot of things you need to consider where you want to run your ads, how much you should spend on them, what types of ads you should run, and more.  Today, I want to answer a specific question that focuses on how much budget you need …

How to Answer the Question “How Much Budget Do I Need Per Campaign? Read More »

Demystifying Google’s Billing: How Does Google Charge Me for My Ad?

When it comes to paid advertising, people tend to have a lot of questions. Trust me – I’m a paid ads agency owner, so I would know.  I think we can all agree that one thing at the forefront of any business owner’s mind is money, so it makes sense that a lot of the …

Demystifying Google’s Billing: How Does Google Charge Me for My Ad? Read More »

Is There a Minimum Budget for Paid Ads?

Most businesses exist purely to be as profitable as possible, which means that their major goal is to bring new customers to their business. This is done, of course, through marketing. And while there are many ways to market your business, paid advertising is something you should seriously consider if you plan on scaling your …

Is There a Minimum Budget for Paid Ads? Read More »

A Comprehensive Google Merchant Centre Tutorial: A Professional’s Guide

Trying to navigate Google Merchant Center can feel like walking around a labyrinth without a map – overwhelming, confusing, and slightly terrifying. If you think you’re an idiot for feeling this way, don’t stress – you’re not alone. Many ecommerce business owners trying to run Google shopping ads struggle to navigate this complex tool, which …

A Comprehensive Google Merchant Centre Tutorial: A Professional’s Guide Read More »

Everything You Need for a Professional LinkedIn Ads Column Setup

LinkedIn is the go-to advertising platform for most B2B businesses, and for good reason! With its detailed data about a person’s work experience and business, LinkedIn is the ideal platform for building out the perfect audience for your LinkedIn ad campaigns.  That being said, ad campaigns are all about data, and that’s where things get …

Everything You Need for a Professional LinkedIn Ads Column Setup Read More »