Paid Advertising

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PPC Keyword Strategy For Clean Beauty Brands

Everyone knows that for eCommerce businesses, PPC (pay-per-click) Advertising works. Building a social media presence and a content marketing strategy can of course be effective, but they’re a long play. If you want to start scaling your sales now, paid ads are a powerful shortcut! PPC campaigns and paid search strategies more broadly are one …

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PPC for SaaS companies. SaaS ppc.

PPC Keyword Strategy For SaaS Companies

We love working with SaaS (Software as a service) companies because they’re usually built to make people’s or businesses’ lives easier! It’s software, as a solution to an existing problem. But the SaaS industry is highly competitive. We all know the figures around how likely a start-up is to succeed in their first 5 years, …

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Digital marketing: Keyword research for tech businesses using Google Ads

PPC Keyword Strategy For Tech Companies

Technology is the lifeblood of innovation. There are constantly new and exciting tech brands emerging to make our lives easier and push humanity forward. But which of those companies break through and become game-changing, household names is all down to effective marketing. These days, more and more companies are realising the power of PPC advertising. …

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Nailing your sustainable marketing communications and strategies - contact us

What Is Sustainable Digital Marketing And How To Use It

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword! These days, there is more and more pressure on brands to reduce their impact and be more ethical in their practices. But that doesn’t only apply to their supply chain or their product packaging…It also impacts your online marketing choices! In this article, I’m going to quickly go …

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How much does it cost to advertise on google (UK)? How much does Google ads cost?

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Google (UK)

So, you’ve identified the Google search network as a big opportunity for your organisation…But how much does it cost to run ads? It’s something we get asked A LOT as an ad agency, but it’s not always a straight forwards answer (sorry!). In this article, I’m going to try to help you understand the typical …

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What is the smallest you can spend with google and facebook advertising. What is the limit for your marketing budget?

What Is The Minimum You Should Spend On Google and Facebook Advertising?

In this article, I’m going to offer my thoughts on how much money you should be spending on Google and Facebook ads. It’s a question we get asked all the time as an agency, and it’s not always a straightforward answer… The reality is when you’re trying to grow your business on a small budget, …

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