Google Ads

How Much Ad Budget for Different Platforms Do I Need?

When it comes to paid advertising, it can feel like you have countless decisions you need to make, with two of the biggest being which ad platform to use and how much to spend on your advertising budget. And then, of course, if you are advertising on multiple platforms, you also need to figure out …

How Much Ad Budget for Different Platforms Do I Need? Read More »

Unravelling the Mysteries of GCLID: Exactly What is Google Click ID?

I run a paid ads agency called Snowball Creations, which means that I eat, sleep, and breathe paid ads. And while my company specialises in all the major paid ads platforms, Google Ads is still one of the leading options, despite its age. One of the reasons for this is the fact that it’s always …

Unravelling the Mysteries of GCLID: Exactly What is Google Click ID? Read More »

How Much Do I Need to Spend on Google Ads to See Results?

While there are many paid advertising channels, with more and more popping up, Google is still one of the most popular options, despite having been around for many years.  It’s really no surprise – Google has a massive user base, great algorithms, and a variety of ad options, making it a solid advertising option for …

How Much Do I Need to Spend on Google Ads to See Results? Read More »

The Importance of Qualified SaaS Leads: Navigating the Marketing Maze

Join me today as we face a journey of trials and tribulations that ends in triumph. Okay, that might be a tad overdramatic. Really, I’m going to be talking about SaaS.  And more specifically, a key part of SaaS marketing that people often neglect: qualified leads.  I run an ads agency and have already made …

The Importance of Qualified SaaS Leads: Navigating the Marketing Maze Read More »

What Should My Budget for Automated Bidding Strategies Be?

When people in the paid ads world hear terms like “automated bidding strategy”, their eyes light up like those of a kid in a candy store.  I get it – when you’re working, anything that can be automated is a big win. However, as with most things in paid ads, I would advise you against …

What Should My Budget for Automated Bidding Strategies Be? Read More »

Everything You Need to Know to Help You Answer the Question “How Much Will Google Ads Cost?”

Nearly everyone uses Google daily, so it really isn’t surprising that Google is also a popular choice when it comes to paid advertising. However, it’s easy to spend either too much or too little on Google Ads, especially if you’re not sure how the process works.  That’s where I come in. I run my own …

Everything You Need to Know to Help You Answer the Question “How Much Will Google Ads Cost?” Read More »

How Much Budget for Google Ads is Needed?

If you’re running any form of paid ads, chances are that you either are or are considering using Google Ads. This makes sense, as Google is an industry leader in the paid advertising world.  However, since paid advertising isn’t a cheap venture, you may be wondering exactly how much budget to spend on Google Ads. …

How Much Budget for Google Ads is Needed? Read More »

Demystifying Google’s Billing: How Does Google Charge Me for My Ad?

When it comes to paid advertising, people tend to have a lot of questions. Trust me – I’m a paid ads agency owner, so I would know.  I think we can all agree that one thing at the forefront of any business owner’s mind is money, so it makes sense that a lot of the …

Demystifying Google’s Billing: How Does Google Charge Me for My Ad? Read More »

A Comprehensive Google Merchant Centre Tutorial: A Professional’s Guide

Trying to navigate Google Merchant Center can feel like walking around a labyrinth without a map – overwhelming, confusing, and slightly terrifying. If you think you’re an idiot for feeling this way, don’t stress – you’re not alone. Many ecommerce business owners trying to run Google shopping ads struggle to navigate this complex tool, which …

A Comprehensive Google Merchant Centre Tutorial: A Professional’s Guide Read More »